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"S" Standard Beam Properties

This page provides data for area, weight per unit length, moment of intertia, Section Modulus and Radius of Gyration for standard beam sections.
Member Illustration

D = Section depth, in
wf = Flange width, in
ws = weight per foot of steel sections, lb per foot
A = area, in^2
I = moment of inertia, in^4
k = radius of gyration, in
Z = section modulus, in^3

S   D   wf     ws      A    I1-1    k1-1  Z1-1   I2-2   k2-2  Z2-2 
--- --- ----- ------ ------ ------- ----- ------ ------ ----- ------ 
S18 18  6-1/4  70     20.6   926    6.71  103    24.1   1.08  7.72 
S18 18  6      54.7   16.1   804    7.07   89.4  20.8   1.14  6.94 
S15 15  5-5/8  50     14.7   486    5.75   64.8  15.7   1.03  5.57 
S15 15  5-1/2  42.9   12.6   447    5.95   59.6  14.4   1.07  5.23 
S12 12  5-1/2  50     14.7   305    4.55   50.8  15.7   1.03  5.74 
S12 12  5-1/4  40.8   12.0   272    4.77   45.4  13.6   1.06  5.16 
S12 12  5-1/8  35     10.3   229    4.72   38.2   9.87   .980 3.89
S12 12  5      31.8    9.35  218    4.83   36.4   9.36  1.00  3.74
S10 10  5      35     10.3   147    3.78   29.4   8.36   .901 3.38
S10 10  4-5/8  25.4    7.46  124    4.07   24.7   6.79   .954 2.91
S8   8  4-1/8  23      6.77   64.9  3.10   16.2   4.31   .798 2.07
S8   8  4      18.4    5.41   57.6  3.26   14.4   3.73   .831 1.86
S7   7  3-5/8  15.3    4.50   36.7  2.86   10.5   2.64   .766 1.44
S6   6  3-5/8  17.25   5.07   26.3  2.28    8.77  3.31   .675 1.30
S6   6  3-3/8  12.5    3.67   22.1  2.45    7.37  1.82   .705 1.09
S5   5  3      10      2.94   12.3  2.05    4.92  1.22   .643  .809
S4   4  2-3/4   9.5    2.79    6.79 1.56    3.39   .903  .569  .646
S4   4  2-5/8   7.7    2.26    6.08 1.64    3.04   .764  .581  .574
--- --- ----- ------ ------ ------- ----- ------ ------ ----- ------ 

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